Easy Grilled Zucchini Salad


Looking for a quick and easy side dish? Try this delicious Grilled Zucchini Salad! with minimal ingredients and effortless preparation, this salad can be enjoyed warm or cold, especially during the zucchini season.  If you love Zucchini like I do, you will definitively love this Easy Grilled Zucchini salad.

Inspired by an ancient recipe, ‘Zucchine alla Poverella,’ from the beautiful Puglia, Region in South of Italy, this lighter-grilled version is a healthier option than the traditional deep-fried dish. The result is tasty and nutritious, and the whole family will enjoy.

This recipe is inspired by the original recipe of ‘Zucchine alla Poverella’, an ancient recipe from the beautiful Puglia, region on the South of Italy, where I grow up. Traditionally the ‘Zucchini alla Poverella’ are deep fried. However, this lighter-grilled version of preparing the zucchini is my favorite, the result is delicious and healthier.

Benefits of Eating Zucchini

Zucchini also called ‘Courgetti’, are rich in vitamins and minerals, low in calories ideal for weight management. Research suggest that eating Zucchini can improve heart health,  decrease cholesterol and blood sugar. Zucchini contain also compounds like lutein and zeaxanthin that protect the eye’s cell from enviromental  damage.

Grilled Zucchini Salad Ingredients

ZUCCHINI is part of the squash family, is very versatile in the kitchen for the mild flavor and can be used in savory dishes and also in cakes. Is perfect grilled, baked and stewed. Perfect for the whole family and usually kids’ favorite vegetable. To make this Easy Salad you need two Zucchini, and serve one to two person.

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL  is rich in flavor and is considered the best oil to use in the kitchen. Very versatile in many preparations, and rich in antioxidants ideal for healthy living

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR My favorite choice for salad dressing with his delicate taste that offers beneficial effects on gut health and overall health

GARLIC is used in the kitchen as a flavoring agent for many preparations, perfect in salads, dressing, marinades, sauces, and stew.  When garlic is crushed, sliced, or minced a powerful compound, called allicin, is released with its aroma. In order to maintain the allicin properties during cooking, live the crushed garlic aside for 10 minutes.

FRESH MINT with the unique flavor and fragrance are perfect for summer salads and cold dishes. Mint is filled with nutrients as well as many other herbs. If I don’t have fresh mint I usually use fresh Basil which is my favorite combination for zucchini


I hope you like this Easy Grilled Zucchini Salad like I do.



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Also in the Blog:



Easy Grilled Zucchini Salad


  • 1 Caston Iron Griddle Pan
  • 1 Salad Bowl
  • 1 Mandolin
  • 1 Chopping Board
  • 1 Knife
  • 1 Tongs





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